When to swipe right (or left) on a content agency

by | Mar 1, 2023 | Hiring an agency

To quote Pat Benetar’s sage and timeless anecdote, “Love is a battlefield.”

You try not to fall for a bad egg and hope to create a lasting relationship with the right partner. In your search for the right content agency, you might find the process to be (shockingly?) similar.

When you are hiring a marketing agency, you’ve done your homework. You’ve researched candidates to find a match that checks all the boxes and aligns with your brand’s personality. You need to feel confident that the agency can deliver what you want and need, and that the agency shares your vision for long-term success. Because when you choose an agency, you’re selecting an extension of your marketing team.

But don’t stop there. Keep courting those candidates, and ask yourself: should I swipe right or left on this agency?

It’s time to swipe left when:

They’re not asking questions. Agencies should always be asking questions — about your business, about your goals, about what makes you tick. When they aren’t interested in learning more about you and what makes you unique, sound the alarm.

They don’t understand why content marketing matters to your business. If an agency doesn’t understand why content marketing is essential for your business — or worse yet, thinks it’s just fluff — they may not be the right fit for you.

They never respond to emails or phone calls promptly (or ghost you completely). Your content marketing agency should respond quickly when an issue arises and, more importantly, resolve it as soon as possible so deadlines aren’t impacted.

They don’t help with strategy or provide regular updates on progress and results. Your agency should be able to help craft a clear content strategy and tell you where things stand at any given moment — and whether those results are on track (or at least within a reasonable variance).

It’s time to swipe right when:

They’re energized by storytelling. Once upon a time, advertising was about telling consumers why they should choose you over your competitors. Now, it’s all about telling stories that help people relate and connect to your brand. Good content marketing agencies want to help you tell those stories through videos and other forms of media that build relationships over time. They want to expand your reach by making sure your story is told in new, inventive ways, from social media to blog posts and more. They also know how to identify different audiences and cater their stories accordingly — so there’s plenty of SaaS content to go around.

They show up with ideas. Effective content marketers or copywriters bring compelling ideas to elevate, alter or energize messaging strategies. If you’re looking for a multi-layered approach to content, they should also come to the table with actionable ideas for boosting other areas of your business.

They’re always up for a challenge. There are no rules in content marketing, and you need an agency that can keep up with the evolving movements and changes in the industry. Look for an agency that’s got your back and will go to bat for your brand’s success.

They never lose sight of your “why.” Businesses are driven by enthusiasm and purpose, and they deserve a content strategy that harnesses its momentum. Any agency should keep your ‘why’ at the center of their work and construct content that beats with the heart of your brand.

Sure, there’s plenty of fish in the sea, but when it comes to content creation and hiring a marketing agency, be picky. Vet the agencies, ask the tough questions and keep expectations in line with what is possible, practical and productive for your team.

With possibility, practicality (and a little bit of fun), we curate content strategies that drive demand. Swipe right on us; we know why your Content Matterz.